Pure Michigan 80’s Nostalgia: The Detroit Zoo Commercial ’82
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Booooo...
Where did that come from and why have I been singing it to myself for as long as I can remember?
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Booooo...
Was it a Hanna Barrbara Cartoon? Nope.
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Booooo...
Then it hit me! It's from the same COMMERCIAL that I got "my lines, my lines, I can't remember my lines! oh ho..."
Not ringing a bell yet? If you watched any television in the 80s this is a part of your childhood. You may even quote and not remember why.
Let me jog your memory or refresh it if you already have seen a singing flamingo and a talking giraffe.
The spot opens with a wide shot of a huge set of loudspeakers:
Of course this is ringing a bell now!!!!!!!!
The opening animal for the Detroit Zoo talking animal commercial was a lizard WHO DID NOT TALK! Watching now I get it! He's ticked off because those huge loudspeakers just made an announcement that there was 5 minutes before the zoo opens. Huge loudspeakers. But this guy
5 minutes please! Just 5 minutes!
I realize that the lizard needed to say nothing now, I mean the look he gave this khaki loving stage manager:
He wasn't silent in retrospect! That is the LOUDEST side eye I have ever seen.
This commercial makes me feel like I'm 8 years old, on Saturday morning, wearing pajamas, with a bowl of cereal, sitting cross-legged in front of the TV waiting to watch The Flintstones Comedy Show, hoping to get a glimpse of Captain Caveman...this commercial was always on!
I still quote this giraffe:
My lines, my lines! I can't remember my lines! Oh ho...
My makeup! My makeup!
Kills me to this day. That nose.
Wardrobe! I say! Wardrobe!
This next guy makes my cheeks hurt honestly. I'd forgotten how funny I thought this commercial was. It still is!!!!!
How do I look? SERIOUSLY? How do I look
Ya look great seal! I'vvvvveeee beeeeeen kissed by a rose....
Sorry. Seal joke.
These guys loved seal jokes.
Hey-A-Honey, gimme a little kiss, before I go on, eh? (kissing noises)
I really want to see her slap him? Wing him? Beak him! Get him with your beak lassie!
Next up, we get to meet Melvin
Ok guys! This way!
Melvin then leads a pack? Pod? Gaggle? Anyway Melvin leads the group of fellow monkeys to the right, only to be immediately corrected by a nosy neighbor who seems to know where they should be going:
Wrong way guys
Nice goin' Melvin!
Poor Melvin. But on Melvin's behalf: Why was that antelope so interested in what Melvin and his friends were up to? Mind you're own business antelope!
My lines, my lines
And finally! The darn Ba Ba BA BA BA BA BA BA BOOING FLAMINGO
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Booooo
It was a flamingo! A singing flamingo I'd been quoting since at least 1982!!!!!!! A. SINGING. FLAMINGO!!!!!!!
I wanna talk to my agent!
Let me talk to your agent. He ha ha ha
The bird and the reptile had great timing but, sadly were unable to make it as a duo. One was just hungrier than the other.
Anyway, back to the Detroit Zoo 80s Talking Animal Ad.
Finally, Singing Hippo!
(opera singing......................hippo.............)
How do you follow a singing hippo you may ask???
With this lovable fella:
Take it from me: You just gotta keep cool.
That bear would eat me but I want to hug it.
Honestly this ground dweller could be reciting Shakespeare, but I don't know what it said. It still made me laugh then and still does now. The bear was really a great setup man.
Positions everyone!
Dude. It was 45 seconds ago you said we had 5 minutes. Now you and your khakis, three ring binder, and bullhorn have gone and upset the penguins:
Hey! No shoving!
(followed by unintelligible penguin bickering)
Who can tie this whole commercial together with one line? A pig:
Hey! This place is a Zoo!
Cue the announcer.
Visit the Detroit Zoo and see how the stars live!
Doner Agency drop the microphone...brilliant ad! standing ovation and here's the encore:
One and two and thhh....
And in a surprise twist here's some dancing flamingos!!
Here's the whole thing without my commentary:
This commercial brings back so many incredible memories. As far as it's ranking in my completely unscientific approach, it's easy a Top 5 Greatest Michigan Commercial of all time.
Part II: Father and Son Construction