Okemos H.S. Golfer Wins First H.S. Student-Athlete Of The Week
Dowding Industries and the Lansing Sports Commission are proud to bring to you the WVFN Lansing-area High School Student-Athlete of the Week this school year.
The inaugural winner this season is Alena Li (pronounced Uh-Lay-Na Lee). She's a senior on the Okemos High School girls golf team.
Alena is off to a great start this school year. She took top honors at the CAAC Jamboree last week with a 4-under par 32 (for 9 holes) score at El Dorado golf course in Mason. And she has already shot rounds of 66 at Forest Akers East in East Lansing, 64 at famed Bedford Valley in Battle Creek, and 67 at Prairie Creek golf course in DeWitt.
And, oh by the way, she is the current and reigning Michigan Girls Amateur state champion. Which she won earlier this summer at Forest Akers West Golf Course, defeating Macie Elzinga of Byron Center 5 & 4 in the final match.
And she is a major factor to win an individual state title for Okemos and has a chance to win the title of Miss Golf in the state of Michigan later this fall.
How is she doing academically? Well, she is a 4.0 GPA student and has already gotten straight A's in EIGHT Advanced Placement classes before she even begins her senior year.
Congratulations to Okemos HS senior girls golfer Alena Li. She is the first WVFN High School Student-Athlete of the Week. And it's brought to you all year long by Dowding Industries, the Lansing Sports Commission, and The Game 730 AM WVFN!