Want To Learn To Swim? You Could Be A Part of a World Record
Learning to swim is a big deal in most kids' lives and even some adults, but could you imagine breaking a world record while you learn to swim? It could happen.
Learning to Swim
Those days of throwing a kid in the water to learn to swim are long gone and thank goodness. That seems so terrifying to toss a kid or adult into the water who can't swim but that was a thing back in the day and I had a few friends it happened to.
I was lucky because my dad taught me how to swim in chest-high water and I would just practice swimming back and forth at that depth in order to practice for when I would someday get into water over my head. I do remember working up to water over my head being a big deal and eventually swim out to the raft at the beach that was in the deep water.
There are now swimming classes for toddlers all the way up to adults. Much safer and less scary than what some of my friends went through. Kids and adults can often get lessons at local schools, community pools, and local swimming schools.
Michigan Swim Schools to Participate in Breaking a World Record
There is a swim school by the name of Goldfish Swim School that has 12 locations in Michigan with one being in Grandville. Plus, there are another 88 schools in the U.S. and Canada.
According to WOOD, the Goldfish Swim School is trying to break the world record for the most people learning how to swim at one given time. All of their schools along with some other swimming organizations will participate on June 22 from Noon to 1 p.m. You can be a part of this record-breaking event by clicking here plus learn how to swim.